September 12, 2023
Contact: Press_Paul@paul.senate.gov, 202-224-4343
Senate Democrats Reject Dr. Paul’s Resolution to Protect Senate Pages from COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, as a continuation of his efforts to protect individual freedoms and put an end to unscientific mandates, U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) introduced a resolution that would have protected Senate Pages from the imposition of COVID-19 vaccination requirements. Multiple scientific studies have shown a heightened risk of myocarditis for children and teenagers after taking an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine and that, for young and healthy people, the risks posed by the vaccine are greater than the risks posed by COVID-19. Furthermore, there is consensus that the vaccines do not stop the transmission of COVID-19.
Democrats once again refused to follow the science and objected to Dr. Paul’s resolution passing by unanimous consent.
Below are excerpts from Dr. Paul’s floor remarks:
“No one should be forced to take an injection. No one should be forced to have a surgery. No one should be forced to submit to a medical procedure, particularly a medical procedure that was approved under emergency use authorization.”
“It’s wrong. It’s malpractice. It shouldn’t happen. And there is no scientific evidence….Committees don’t advise it. And yet Democrats today have said they don’t care about the pages, they don’t care about their parents, they don’t care about their medical privacy. They don’t care about their ability to discern the risks and benefits of having a medical procedure.”
“The vaccine doesn’t stop them from getting COVID. They have naturally acquired immunity as well. If you don’t ask yourself what that means, you’re not paying attention to any science. Wouldn’t you want to know whether they’ve had it? Even if you really thought a vaccine mandate was great, what if I’ve already had COVID? Do I need three more vaccines?”
You can watch Dr. Paul’s remarks HERE, and can read the full resolution HERE.
Last week, Dr. Paul introduced a similar resolution that would have protected Senate Pages from the imposition of vaccination, testing, and masking requirements related to COVID-19. Senate Democrats objected to Dr. Paul’s efforts.
Over the last several years, Dr. Paul has taken numerous actions to defend Americans from those who fail to follow the science on COVID-19. Not only did he introduce a similar resolution last year that would have lifted vaccine and mask mandates for pages, he also introduced the Vaccination Non-Discrimination Act last year to ensure that federal taxpayer dollars are not used to support healthcare facilities that deny care to patients based on their COVID-19 vaccination status. Additionally, Dr. Paul offered the Support the Reinstatement of Trained and Effective Firefighters amendment to the Fire Grants and Safety Act that would have made funding available to fire departments that terminated firefighters for refusing vaccination or voicing opposition to COVID-19 mandates only if they offered full reinstatement and backpay to those who lost their jobs. He also previously introduced the Travel Mask Mandate Repeal Act of 2021 and continues to be outspoken against these mandates without a scientific basis.