WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee today voted on Senator Rand Paul’s amendment to the U.S. Department of State Operations Authorization and Embassy Security Act. This legislation, which holds the same text as the Stand with Israel Act of 2015, would halt all U.S. foreign aid to the Palestinian Authority (P.A.) until the P.A. renounces violence, purges terrorists from its ranks, and recognizes the nation of Israel. In the 113th Congress, Sen. Rand Paul originally introduced this legislation in response to the P.A.’s attempts to form a unity government with the terrorists of Hamas-a unity government that remains.

The amendment, however, did not pass with a vote of 5-14.

“I am deeply disappointed with the vote against my Stand with Israel amendment today. American tax dollars continue to flow to governments that openly seek the destruction of one of our nation’s biggest allies, Israel. My support has not and will not waiver; I will continue pushing to cut off all U.S. foreign aid to the Palestinian Authority until they recognize Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state, renounce terrorism, and purge terrorists from their ranks,” Sen. Paul said.

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