February 14, 2019
 Contact:, 202-224-4343

WASHINGTON, D.C. – For the past several months, U.S. Senator Rand Paul and his staff have actively engaged in discussions with Kentuckians, officials in Muhlenberg County, and the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) regarding the status of Unit 3, the last coal-fired unit at the Paradise Fossil Plant.

Earlier this week, he released a video to TVA’s Board of Directors, urging them to keep the plant open.

You can watch it HERE.

Today, TVA’s Board of Directors decided to shutter the plant, putting over 130 Kentuckians in Muhlenberg County out of work, and casting a shadow of economic uncertainty over the community. Sen. Paul released the following statement in response:

“I am deeply disappointed with TVA’s decision to close Paradise Unit 3 and prolong the War on Coal, especially after Kentuckians in the affected community, elected officials like myself, local leaders, and even the President all spoke up in opposition to its retirement. It’s unacceptable that an unelected federal agency like TVA can show such blatant disregard for the views of the very people they are supposed to be serving. Perhaps it is time to hold them accountable and reconsider their status and benefits as a federal agency.
“Defending Kentucky from government overreach, especially the assault on Kentucky’s coal industry, has been a top priority of mine, and I remain committed to fighting back on behalf of the Commonwealth.”


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