BOWLING GREEN, KY. – Yesterday, U.S. Senator Rand Paul attended a Veterans Open House at the American Legion in Bowling Green, Ky. At the event, Sen. Paul spoke about the many issues facing our nation’s veterans and had the opportunity to meet face to face with several Kentuckians his office has personally helped.
He also highlighted his Senate office’s constituent services staff and urged the veterans to get in touch with them to initiate assistance. Bobette Franklin, Director of Constituent Services, and Alexandra Baston, Constituent Service Representative, were on-site during the meeting and stayed afterwards to discuss specific casework needs with individuals.
“Before I came to Bowling Green to start my medical practice, I worked in three different veterans hospitals, so I am acutely aware of the challenges faced by those in the VA system. It is important for me to not only listen to the stories and concerns of these veterans, but also connect face to face with the Kentuckians whose compelling stories I have heard and for whom we have successfully advocated,” Sen. Paul said.

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