WASHINGTON, D.C.- U.S. Senator Rand Paul today released the following statement applauding President Trump’s executive order calling for a review and reconsideration of the Waters of the U.S. Rule and re-defining “Navigable Waters” in a manner consistent with the Scalia opinion in Rapanos v. United States and his own Defense of Environment and Property Act.  

The Obama administration EPA and Army Corps of Engineers’ WOTUS rule significantly expands the definition of waters in the U.S. to include non-navigable waters, certain dry land, drains, ditches, small ponds, and even depressions in fields that are only wet after heavy rains. Sen. Paul’s Defense of Environment and Property Act, like President Trump’s executive order, defines navigable waters as navigable-in-fact and relatively permanent bodies of water.  

“Repealing the Waters of the U.S. rule, one of the most egregious examples of government overreach on Kentucky farmers and miners, has always been a top priority of mine,” said Dr. Paul. “I applaud the President for continuing his efforts to provide regulatory relief to all Americans.” 


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