Dr. Rand Paul’s Op-Eds

Reason Op-Ed: “No Foreign Spy Program Reauthorization Without Citizen Protections”

USA Today Op-Ed: Time to Repeal Obamacare

There are those who insist Republicans must act as a team to repeal Obamacare. I agree - if the topic is repeal. Every Republican has run on repealing Obamacare for seven years, and all but one voted for clean repeal in 2015. Now we have a president who will sign it...

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Reason Op-Ed: “No Foreign Spy Program Reauthorization Without Citizen Protections”

Breitbart Op-Ed: Senate GOP Decides to Keep Obamacare

I miss the old days, when Republicans stood for repealing Obamacare. Republicans across the country and every member of my caucus campaigned on repeal - often declaring they would tear out Obamacare "root and branch!" What happened? Now too many Republicans are...

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Reason Op-Ed: “No Foreign Spy Program Reauthorization Without Citizen Protections”

The Daily Independent Op-Ed: Still Fighting for Ashland

Sadly, it is common knowledge these days that elected officials tend to make empty promises. However, I want you to know that I am not one of those elected officials, and I never will be.On October 16, 2015, AK Steel announced the company would temporarily lay off...

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Reason Op-Ed: “No Foreign Spy Program Reauthorization Without Citizen Protections”

Courier Journal Op-Ed: Ali a champion in more ways than one

How did Kentucky end up with two great men both named Cassius Marcellus Clay?The first Cassius Clay, cousin of Henry, was an abolitionist who refused to compromise on the issue of slavery. I spoke of him in my inaugural Senate speech and do so often.The second Cassius...

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Reason Op-Ed: “No Foreign Spy Program Reauthorization Without Citizen Protections”

Official Waste

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, U.S. Senator Rand Paul released the latest edition of 'The Waste Report,' an ongoing project cataloguing egregious examples of waste within the U.S. government.In this special, two-page edition, Dr. Paul examines federal employees doing union...

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Reason Op-Ed: “No Foreign Spy Program Reauthorization Without Citizen Protections”

TIME Op-Ed: Why I Will Vote to Repeal Obamacare

As a physician, I know well the problems with Obamacare. I don't think anyone has more disdain for this big government takeover of our healthcare system. It needs to be stopped, and we must replace it with reforms that move us in the opposite direction.I will vote to...

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Reason Op-Ed: “No Foreign Spy Program Reauthorization Without Citizen Protections”

Breitbart Op-Ed: Restore the Bill of Rights

Two hundred and twenty-five years ago today, a young nation made ten additions to its already revolutionary Constitution. These amendments - this "Bill of Rights" - said we could speak our minds, worship freely, defend ourselves, be secure against unreasonable...

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Reason Op-Ed: “No Foreign Spy Program Reauthorization Without Citizen Protections”

Breitbart Op-Ed: Let’s Cut Taxes Now!

I'm just old enough to remember when Republicans used to be for tax cuts. Oh sure, many of them will make noises about lowering some taxes, but too often they are caught up in the trap of so-called "revenue neutral tax reform." This is especially true of Congressional...

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Reason Op-Ed: “No Foreign Spy Program Reauthorization Without Citizen Protections”

Rare Op-Ed: Repeal all of Obamacare and replace immediately

Congress will, as its first course of action, vote to repeal Obamacare. It cannot happen soon enough.All around us, Obamacare crumbles in chaos. Premiums are exploding. The state-run health co-ops are mostly bankrupt. Many individuals who gained subsidized insurance...

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