Dr. Rand Paul’s Op-Eds

The Hill Op-Ed: “As We Have United When Tested in the Past, Americans Are Working Together to Fight Coronavirus”

Breitbart Op-Ed: “Is Quid Pro Quo the Status Quo?”

Isn't all foreign aid supposed to be quid pro quo? We give you this aid - on the expectation that you will not steal any of it for personal use, that you will spend it as we instruct, and on the understanding that if you don't spend the money as we command, you won't...

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The Hill Op-Ed: “As We Have United When Tested in the Past, Americans Are Working Together to Fight Coronavirus”

Fox News Op-Ed: “Stop arming radical jihadism”

The Middle East is a hot cauldron continually threatening to boil over.It is a mistake to funnel arms into centuries-old conflicts.There is no great certainty that the arms we send into the Middle East will not one day be used against our soldiers. In fact, there is a...

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