Dr. Rand Paul’s Op-Eds

Cincinnati Enquirer Op-Ed: “Fund infrastructure projects by cutting wasteful programs”
I have long been a champion on the issue of prioritizing Kentucky's critical infrastructure projects. Year after year, I've introduced legislation that would redirect one percent of non-infrastructure spending to domestic projects, and ensure more of Kentuckians' hard...

The Ledger Independent: “Paying the price of excessive spending”
While the Federal Reserve made news last week by raising its expectations on rapidly increasing inflation and moving up its timeframe on interest rate hikes, it was hardly breaking news to Kentuckians across our Commonwealth. They've felt the effects of rising costs...

Lexington Herald-Leader Op-Ed: Sen. Paul: “Congress votes to end Iraq war 20 years after it authorized costly mistake”
It is easier to start a war than end one. That argument alone should deter us from war and yet . . .time and time again man's bellicosity combined often with imbecility entices us to war.The Iraq war was no exception. Sold as a response to 9/11 with propaganda so...

Newsweek Op-Ed: “Congress Must Pursue Answers About the Origin of COVID-19”
Throughout this pandemic I've led the effort to hold government accountable.I've called out the science deniers on the issue of masks and immunity, pushed back against draconian lockdowns that have no scientifically proven benefit and, most recently, asked some very...

Responsible Statecraft Op-Ed: “I don’t always agree with Biden but on Afghanistan troop withdrawal he’s got it right”
I don't often agree with President Biden, but when it comes to the issue of the war in Afghanistan, I do agree it's time to bring our troops home.This year, we mark 20 years of combat in Afghanistan. We remember and honor the brave U.S. service members who made the...

The Hill Op-Ed: “Wasteful ‘Endless Frontiers Act’ won’t counter China’s rising influence”
The Senate will soon consider a package of bills intended to counter the growing influence and capabilities of China. One of these bills, in yet another wasteful spending package, is known as the Endless Frontiers Act.The sponsors of the legislation claim they are...

Bowling Green Daily News Op-Ed: “HEMP Act would be good for Kentucky farmers
For years, I've led the fight in Washington to restore one of Kentucky's most historically vital crops by legalizing industrial hemp. I am proud to be a leading voice for the hemp industry, including championing legislation, testifying before the Kentucky legislature...

Fox News Op-Ed: “Sen. Rand Paul: COVID relief is not about funding Planned Parenthood, that’s why I fought Dems’ radical agenda”
The proper role of government is to ensure that individual rights are protected, the most basic of which is the right to life.In 2019, Planned Parenthood was responsible for 345, 871 abortions. Averaging out to a rate of 947 per day, or one every 91 seconds. Also, in...

The Hill Op-Ed: “Congress can put bargaining power in the hands of workers with National Right to Work Act”
In an age of government overreach and mass regulation, individual freedom is often forgotten. I have been one to continually fight for liberty and freedom for all, especially that of American workers.For far too long, Big Labor has controlled the rules, regulations,...

Fox News Op-Ed: Sen. Rand Paul: “A mountain of debt, ‘free money’ is not the answer to our problems. Here’s what is”
Democrats (and many Republicans) don't seem to care about the mountain of debt Congress added last year and continues to add this year. Instead of simply opening the economy back up as the virus wanes, Democrats are plowing ahead with another $2 trillion in deficit...

Nelson County Gazette Op-Ed: Sen. Paul: “Presidential executive orders are an abuse of political power”
I have consistently opposed Executive overreach, whether the abuse came from a Republican or a Democrat.I opposed President Obama's executive orders illegally changing immigration law.Even though I support a security wall in places along our border, I opposed...

Fox News Op-Ed: Sen. Rand Paul: “Trump Impeachment Trial Here’s my Challenge to Democrats and Republicans”
This week, I will sit on a panel of jurors in the U.S. Senate in a most unusual trial.The trial is of dubious merit and even more dubious constitutionality.It will stop both sides of the political aisle from pursuing solutions and goals for policy, from presidential...

The Hill Op-Ed: Sen. Rand Paul: “Boycott sham impeachment”
Sometimes in Washington, the powers that be will embark on a little bit of political theater. You can always spot it, though, if you look closely enough at what's real and what's not.In the last days of the presidency of Donald Trump, the Democrats and a handful of...

Washington Examiner Op-Ed: Sen. Rand Paul: “The Senate’s Impeachment Trial is Illegal and a Sham”
Democrats claim to want to unify the country, but impeaching a former president, a private citizen, is the antithesis of unity. This impeachment is nothing more than a partisan exercise designed to divide the country further.They have brazenly appointed an openly...

Corbin News Journal Op-Ed: “Senator Rand Paul Announces Support for Supreme Court Nominee Amy Coney Barrett”
After President Donald Trump nominated Judge Amy Coney Barrett, who currently sits on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court, I said I believed Judge Barrett would make an excellent justice that would serve our country...

Fox News Op-Ed: “Sen. Rand Paul: My Wife and I Were Attacked by a Mob Dems Would Worsen Problem by Bowing to Rioters”
In his speech to the Republican National Convention Thursday night, President Trump said if you want the rest of the country to look like Portland, Ore., put the Democrats fully in charge and that's what you'll get.That's hard to argue with considering what we are...

The Hill Op-Ed: “We Must Take Appropriate Measures That Allow Kids to Get Back to School”
Labor Day has passed, and in most years, the entire country would now be back to school. Kids would be learning, catching up with old friends, and swapping stories from the summer. Teachers would have decorated and readied themselves for a year of struggles and...

The Hill Op-Ed: “A Plan to Empower Parents, Increase Education Options as an Uncertain School Year Looms”
While I'm a big supporter of home schools, many single parents who work aren't able to teach their kids at home. Even some parents with advanced educational degrees simply don't want to teach their kids at home or believe their kids will listen more consistently to...

Courier Journal Op-Ed: Rand Paul: “Conspiracy laws result in cruel prison sentences, particularly for Black Americans”
When Alice Johnson ran to embrace her family after her release from prison, she was a 63-year-old grandmother who spent almost 22 years behind bars. But Johnson was supposed to die in custody. The co-defendants who testified against her received sentences ranging from...

Reason Op-Ed: Rand Paul: “It’s Time To Demilitarize the Police”
In a free society, citizens should be able to easily distinguish between civilian law enforcement tasked with keeping the peace in our communities and the armed forces tasked with protecting our country from foreign adversaries.Unfortunately, thanks to the federal...