Dr. Rand Paul’s Op-Eds

Breitbart Op-Ed: Saudi Arabia’s Role in Backing Terrorism Raises Concerns with $100 Billion Arms Deal

Courier-Journal Op-Ed: Make the Consumer King

Obamacare left 27 million people without health insurance and created a situation where insurance premiums have risen over 100 percent. Of the 27 million people that Obamacare left behind, about half of them don't buy insurance because it is too expensive. So any...

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Breitbart Op-Ed: Saudi Arabia’s Role in Backing Terrorism Raises Concerns with $100 Billion Arms Deal

TIME Op-Ed: The Fed Is Crippling America

On Jan. 12, Congress is scheduled to vote on the "Audit the Fed" legislation (H.R. 24/S. 264), which, if passed, would bring to an end to the Federal Reserve's unchecked-and even arguably unconstitutional-power in the financial markets and the economy.We aren't the...

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