Dr. Rand Paul’s Op-Eds

ICYMI: Sen. Rand Paul Discusses Consideration of Bolton, Giuliani for Sec. of State
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, U.S. Senator Rand Paul appeared on CNN's "Wolf" with Wolf Blitzer to talk about his opposition to the consideration of former Ambassador John Bolton for Secretary of State. Sen. Paul explained why Bolton, a well-known supporter of the Iraq...

Rare Op-Ed: Will Donald Trump betray voters by hiring John Bolton?
Rumors are that Donald Trump might pick John Bolton for Secretary of State. Heaven forbid. One of the things I occasionally liked about the President-elect was his opposition to the Iraq war and regime change. He not only grasped the mistake of that war early, but...

Rare Op-Ed: Trump should pick a secretary of state who understands that Iraq was a debacle
Donald Trump should pick someone to be his secretary of state who will advocate for Donald Trump's views on foreign policy. That sounds simple, but the mix of candidates bandied about by the media includes several who don't share the president-elect's worldview.Trump...

TIME Op-Ed: Why I Will Vote to Repeal Obamacare
As a physician, I know well the problems with Obamacare. I don't think anyone has more disdain for this big government takeover of our healthcare system. It needs to be stopped, and we must replace it with reforms that move us in the opposite direction.I will vote to...

Breitbart Op-Ed: Restore the Bill of Rights
Two hundred and twenty-five years ago today, a young nation made ten additions to its already revolutionary Constitution. These amendments - this "Bill of Rights" - said we could speak our minds, worship freely, defend ourselves, be secure against unreasonable...

Breitbart Op-Ed: Let’s Cut Taxes Now!
I'm just old enough to remember when Republicans used to be for tax cuts. Oh sure, many of them will make noises about lowering some taxes, but too often they are caught up in the trap of so-called "revenue neutral tax reform." This is especially true of Congressional...

National Interest Op-Ed: Congress Must Reclaim Its War-Making Powers
THE GREATEST security challenge facing the next president is the national debt. The United States owes nearly $20 trillion, not counting the nearly $50 trillion entitlement debt. The time approaches when America will no longer be able to manage its debt and fund...

Rare Op-Ed: Repeal all of Obamacare and replace immediately
Congress will, as its first course of action, vote to repeal Obamacare. It cannot happen soon enough.All around us, Obamacare crumbles in chaos. Premiums are exploding. The state-run health co-ops are mostly bankrupt. Many individuals who gained subsidized insurance...

ICYMI: Dr. Rand Paul: President Trump Should Reject Failed Foreign Policy Advisers
WASHINGTON, D.C. - In an op-ed published today at Rare, U.S. Senator Rand Paul urged President Trump to reject the neoconservatives' nation-building, perpetual war philosophy by selecting a Deputy Secretary of State that can be trusted to implement the...

ICYMI: Dr. Paul, Rep. Meadows: Let’s fully repeal ObamaCare, and then have an open debate on how to replace it.
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, in a joint op-ed at FoxNews.com, U.S. Senator Rand Paul and U.S. House Freedom Caucus chairman Mark Meadows called on congressional leadership to pass a clean repeal of Obamacare right away and ensure a fair, open replacement process so all...

Herald-Leader Op-Ed: “Trump moves toward relief from water rule that threatens coal industry, farmers”
From my first days representing Kentucky in the U.S. Senate, I pledged to fight back against the Obama administration's war on Kentucky coal, which imposed suffocating regulations on our hardworking miners and their families.While we may have once used words such as...

TIME Op-Ed: Montenegro Joining NATO Is Against U.S. Interests
President Donald Trump said in his inaugural address: "We've defended other nation's borders, while refusing to defend our own." I couldn't agree more. Today, the question is: Will we add yet another commitment to defend yet another foreign country? For...

Rare Op-Ed: Ron and Rand Paul: Now is the time to pass Audit the Fed
As presidents and Congresses come and go, the addiction to busting the budget remains; its voraciousness fueled by the same enabler, the Federal Reserve.While it took our nation more than 225 years to accumulate nearly $20 trillion in debt (and much, much more if you...

Fox News Op-Ed: Sen. Paul, Scott Bullock: Civil forfeiture has ruined countless lives. It’s long overdue for reform
Justice Clarence Thomas made headlines last month when he criticized civil forfeiture, a notorious police practice that allows law enforcement to confiscate property, even from people who have never been charged with a crime. "This system," he wrote, "has led to...

Breitbart Op-Ed: Real Men Cut Taxes
Real men (as well as pull-no-punches women) cut taxes. The lesser mortals that tend to inhabit Washington wring their hands and get all weak in the knees when it comes to cutting taxes. Rumors are President Trump will propose a real tax cut. I certainly hope so. Once...

Rare Op-Ed: The U.S. should not fund Saudi Arabia’s war on Yemen
American-built planes with American bombs were used by the Saudis to bomb a funeral procession in Yemen. Over 100 people were killed, and 500 mourners were wounded. Active duty American pilots have been refueling the planes dropping bombs across Yemen.Sounds like war...

Breitbart Op-Ed: President Hillary Clinton Would Have Been Proud of This Bill
Looking at all the smiling faces on the other side of the aisle, I have to ask: are Democrats still the minority party? You would be tempted to think the $1 trillion government funding deal is like Christmas morning for them, as Republicans have handed them free media...

CNN Op-Ed: Dr. Rand Paul: Sessions’ sentencing plan would ruin lives
The attorney general on Friday made an unfortunate announcement that will impact the lives of millions of Americans: he issued new instructions for prosecutors to charge suspects with the most serious provable offenses, "those that carry the most substantial...

Fox News Op-Ed: Senate has chance to fix ObamaCare after the House didn’t
Earlier this month, the House passed its ObamaCare Repeal bill, and there are those on both sides of the aisle not satisfied with the product. Virtually every Republican ran on dismantling the abomination of ObamaCare and fixing our broken health care system. Does the...

Fox News Op-Ed: Say Au Revoir to Paris Climate Agreement
It is my duty as a senator to uphold and defend the Constitution. One of my most important responsibilities in this role is to provide advice and consent on treaties, a check and balance on the Executive Branch. It gives us the opportunity to make sure the deals we're...