Dr. Rand Paul’s Op-Eds

Washington Examiner Op-Ed: Why I Will Vote Against the Republican Budget
Washington Examiner Op-Ed: Why I Will Vote Against the Republican Budget The Republican budget voted out of committee this week purports to spend $4.6 trillion in fiscal 2025, which ends Sept. 30. If accurate, the budget passed by Senate Republicans would appear to be...

American Conservative Op-Ed: The U.S. Misadventure in Niger Is a Wake-Up Call
American Conservative Op-Ed: The U.S. Misadventure in Niger Is a Wake-Up Call Congress owes it to the country to retake its war powers from the executive. Recently, after over two decades of an unnecessary U.S. military presence in Niger, the U.S. finally withdrew...

National Review Op-Ed: Tulsi Gabbard: The Bold Choice to Fix a Broken Intelligence Community
National Review Op-Ed: Tulsi Gabbard: The Bold Choice to Fix a Broken Intelligence Community Her appointment would send an unmistakable message: The days of the intelligence community operating as an unaccountable black box are over. Washington’s swamp thrives on...

Washington Examiner Op-Ed: Why punishing Google for excellence is a mistake
There is so much I dislike about Google’s left-wing advocacy that writing this piece is difficult. However, the recent decision by the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, holding that Google is a monopolist and, therefore, should be...

Reason Magazine Op-Ed: Censoring the Internet Won’t Protect Kids
If good intentions created good laws, there would be no need for congressional debate. I have no doubt the authors of this bill genuinely want to protect children, but the bill they've written promises to be a Pandora's box of unintended consequences. The Kids Online...

Courier Journal Op-ed: KOSA is not the solution for protecting children from social media
Internet platforms shouldn't be expected to design their sites to mitigate and prevent harms associated with mental health. If good intentions created good laws, there would be no need for congressional debate. While I deeply sympathize with the families of those who...

Herald Leader Op-Ed: Blocking sale of U.S. Steel hurts us and one of our closest allies
This year, President Biden announced his opposition to Nippon Steel Corporation’s attempt to acquire an iconic American company, U.S. Steel. He wrote that it is “vital” for U.S. Steel to remain a domestically owned and operated steel company. While this may be good...

Reason Op-Ed: Biden’s Big Government Solutions Dismiss Customer Welfare
Sen. Rand Paul writes that repealing the Robinson-Patman Act would help bust inflation. The ostensible purpose of antitrust policy is to promote healthy competition in the marketplace, but antitrust enforcement has largely protected inefficient firms from the threat...

Reason Magazine Op-Ed: Biden’s Big Government Solutions Dismiss Customer Welfare
Sen. Rand Paul writes that repealing the Robinson-Patman Act would help bust inflation. The ostensible purpose of antitrust policy is to promote healthy competition in the marketplace, but antitrust enforcement has largely protected inefficient firms from the threat...

Reason Op-Ed: The DOJ’s Assault on Apple Will Harm Consumers
Reason Op-Ed: The DOJ's Assault on Apple Will Harm Consumers Sen. Rand Paul writes that the lawsuit punishes Apple for a feature its customers like. In America, we do not punish businesses for their success. We certainly do not punish businesses because their...

The American Conservative Op-Ed: The Missed Opportunity for Peace at NATO’s Washington Summit
The American Conservative Op-Ed: The Missed Opportunity for Peace at NATO’s Washington Summit The Biden administration is committed to continuing its errors in Ukraine. Last week, NATO held a summit in Washington celebrating its 75th anniversary. As at other recent...

Newsmax Op-Ed: Paul: Lawfare Eviscerates American Judicial Process
Newsmax Op-Ed: Paul: Lawfare Eviscerates American Judicial Process Americans will find out in September how far Democrats will go to weaponize the law against the Republican nominee for president. But Americans may not fully appreciate that the constitutional...

Responsible Statecraft Op-Ed: Our China policy is a Disaster for US Security and Prosperity Responsible Statecraft
Our China policy is a Disaster for US Security and Prosperity Scolding, rebuking, sanctioning is having the opposite effect and the administration seems content with the results Secretary of State Antony Blinken recently testified before the Senate Foreign Relations...

Cincinnati Enquirer Op-Ed: Nonsensical Government Rules Threaten CVG’s Progress
The Cincinnati-Northern Kentucky airport (CVG) is a vital driver of economic growth for our region and for the nation. But nonsensical government rules threaten that growth. An amendment I offered to fix a bureaucratic absurdity imposed upon CVG will soon become law...

Federal Times Op-Ed: The sanctions against China will continue until morale improvesFederal Times Op-Ed:
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen traveled to China recently and capped off her four-day visit by holding a press conference where she proceeded to scold China for its economic policies and relationship with Russia. Secretary Yellen’s visit, intended to...

The Hill Op-Ed: How the National Institutes of Health became a den of cronyism
For too long, the bureaucrats at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) have been lining their pockets through clandestine agreements with big corporations, getting cozy with the very entities they are tasked with overseeing. In an era where trust in our...

Responsible Statecraft Op-Ed: Seizing Russian assets: A feel good bill that will absolutely boomerang
The Washington foreign policy establishment is on the precipice of making yet another strategic blunder. The Senate is poised to ram through the Rebuilding Economic Prosperity and Opportunity (REPO) for Ukrainians Act. This legislation will provide the...

Washington Examiner Op-Ed: Dangerous virus research continues to endanger lives
Too many people died needlessly from COVID-19 because the scientists who do dangerous research on viruses and the federal bureaucrats who fund it failed to make it clear to U.S. public health authorities that the virus was probably a...

The Federalist Op-Ed: The Only Real Way To Track Government Spending Is To Audit The Fed
Imagine a financial behemoth at the center of the biggest economy on the planet. It secretly pulls the strings of America’s fiscal destiny, and the consequences of its actions ripple through the lives of countless individuals, yet its inner workings are almost...

JNS Op-Ed: The US should cut off aid to the Palestinians
It is often said that the purpose of U.S. foreign aid is to project American power and values. Unfortunately, year after year, decade after decade, the only thing consistent about U.S. foreign aid is that the money continues to flow regardless of the behavior of the...