October 10, 2019
 Contact:, 202-224-4343

WASHINGTON, D.C. – On CBS This Morning earlier today, U.S. Senator and Senate Foreign Relations Committee member Rand Paul (R-KY) discussed his support for President Trump’s decision to withdraw U.S. troops from northern Syria.

“I’ve got three nephews who serve in the military. I don’t want them to be sitting ducks, with 50 or 100 of them being killed by a suicide bomber, and then all of a sudden we’re drug into a greater war. Who are we going to fight?  We’re going to fight Turkey, our NATO ally? We’re going to fight the Kurds? We’re going to fight Assad? The Russians? The Iranians? The Iraqis? I mean, the whole place is a mess,” said Sen. Paul.

You can find the clip HERE.


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