October 10, 2018
 Contact:, 202-224-4343

WASHINGTON, D.C. – During today’s U.S. Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee hearing on “Threats to the Homeland,” U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) questioned Federal Bureau of Investigation Director Christopher Wray on whether the FBI is exploiting access to foreign intelligence surveillance databases for purposes of gathering information on American citizens without a warrant, including journalists, members of Congress, and even President Trump himself. Unfortunately, Director Wray refused to directly answer.
“The point from those of us who believe we need more privacy control is that we’re concerned that the FBI, thousands of agents across the country, could be looking at conversations about domestic crime or about anything, perhaps, without a warrant,” Dr. Paul stated, later reiterating the importance of maintaining critical constitutional protections to prevent abuse of access to Americans’ sensitive information.
“That’s why we continue to argue that these [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act] databases — any of these foreign databases — that if you’re going to look in them … they should call a judge and get a warrant. That way, we don’t allow bias to enter into this,” Dr. Paul further commented.

You can watch Dr. Paul’s remarks and exchange with Director Wray HERE


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