December 19, 2019
Contact:, 202-224-4343

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY), chairman of the Federal Spending Oversight and Emergency Management (FSO) Subcommittee for the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee (HSGAC), released his 2019 Festivus edition of The Waste Report.

Dr. Paul’s fifth edition of the Festivus Waste Report collects his 2019 Spring, Summer, and Fall Waste Reports as he continues working to alert the American people to how the government uses their hard-earned money.

Highlights include: building up Tunisia’s political system and the Pakistani film industry; funding research that involves hooking Zebrafish on nicotine; continuing to turn over so many taxpayer dollars to the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority; sending low-quality textbooks to Afghan students, with many of the textbooks sitting in warehouses; supporting “green growth” in Peru; making improper payments; and studying frog mating calls.

You can find Dr. Paul’s 2019 Festivus edition of The Waste Report, which totals over $50 billion in waste, HERE or below:


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