December 13, 2018
 Contact:, 202-224-4343

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator and Senate Foreign Relations Committee member Rand Paul (R-KY) released the following statement after the U.S. Senate voted 56-41 to pass S.J. Res. 54. For the first time since the Vietnam War, the Senate voted to prevent a president from involving the U.S. in war.

“Today, in an historic vote, the Senate sent a clear message to Saudi Arabia that we will not turn a blind eye to their abuse of human rights, killing of dissidents and innocent Yemenis, and fueling of a humanitarian crisis. Since entering the Senate, I have spoken out against Congress’ abdication of its constitutional responsibilities in foreign policy, and I have worked across the aisle to help build the bipartisan consensus that made its voice loudly heard today. I will continue working to ensure that today’s victory is just the beginning of a long-awaited change in how Congress operates.”

Over the past five years, Dr. Paul has spoken out and led multiple bipartisan efforts against U.S. involvement in Yemen. Most recently, in November, he forced a procedural vote on his resolution that would have blocked the sale of an estimated $300 million in high-explosive rocket artillery and associated training and support to Bahrain, a member of the Saudi-led coalition waging the war in Yemen.


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