November 20, 2024

Contact:, 202-224-4343

Dr. Rand Paul to Force Senate Vote to Stop Biden Administration from Making Ukraine’s Debt America’s

WASHINGTON, D.C.  Today, U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) will force a vote in the U.S. Senate on his joint resolution of disapproval (S.J.Res.117) to stop the Biden Administration from making Ukraine’s debt the responsibility of the American people. 

Specifically, the joint resolution of disapproval prohibits the Biden Administration’s cancellation of $4.65 billion of debt owed by Ukraine to U.S. taxpayers. The Biden Administration’s proposal shifts the burden of funding Ukraine’s small businesses, farmers, and corrupt bureaucrats onto the backs of hardworking Americans, who are already suffering during a time of high inflation.

“Americans all across the United States are grappling with high prices and their own debt thanks to four years of the Biden-Harris Administration, all while the U.S. national debt has hit a record $36 trillion, and we cannot afford a $4.65 billion dollar gift to Ukraine,” said Dr. Paul. “Senators who vote against my resolution today will be sending a message to all Americans that they clearly prioritize Ukraine over the people they represent and are for putting America last.”

 You can read S.J.Res.117 HERE.


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