June 5, 2020
Contact:, 202-224-4343

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Earlier this week, U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) reintroduced S. 3904, the Write the Laws Act, S. 3845, the One Subject at a Time Act, and S. 3879, the Read the Bills Act, as well as a “Read the Bills” change to Senate rules and procedure.

The rule change would require the Senate, unless it waives the rule by a three-fifths majority vote after three hours of debate for the American people to see, to wait one legislative day for every 20 pages in a proposed bill before it could hold a vote. This would help prevent legislation, often totaling hundreds of pages, from being rammed through the Senate at the last minute.

Dr. Paul’s Write the Laws Act, One Subject at a Time Act, and Read the Bills Act (which would require a seven-day waiting period before voting on legislation), originally introduced in the 112th Congress, would restore the constitutional principle of separation of powers, end the practice of including more than one subject in a single bill, and preserve the constitutional authority of Congress.

“Too often in Congress, legislation is pushed through without hearings, amendments, or debate. I firmly believe the American people have a right to be part of the legislative process. My bills will allow citizens sufficient time to read legislation and give input to members of Congress as it considers policies that impact all Americans’ lives. I will continue to stand by my pledge to increase transparency and accessibility in the U.S. Senate,” said Dr. Paul.


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