April 21, 2020
Contact:, 202-224-4343

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY), chairman of the Federal Spending Oversight and Emergency Management (FSO) Subcommittee, returned to Capitol Hill to discuss the road forward in responding to the novel coronavirus pandemic. While stating his support for helping American businesses and families make it through this crisis, Dr. Paul opposed adding nearly half a trillion in debt and urged Congress to be fiscally responsible in its approach for the sake of our country’s future and ability to navigate emergencies.

Dr. Paul also discussed a new study on antibodies (which you can read more about HERE), and he highlighted how Americans are uniting to help each other stay healthy. He also called for reopening the economy as soon as safely possible, which will require moving beyond “one-size-fits-all” policies.

“The question before us isn’t do nothing or print endless amounts of bailout cash.  The debate should now include the one choice that will get our economy growing again: reopening American commerce,” said Dr. Paul, who also noted, “It is not a lack of money that plagues us but a lack of commerce.”

“I do believe it makes sense for the government to provide support to businesses and families that can’t make it through this,” he stated, later observing, “I don’t want to see this massive accumulation of debt destroy this great country.”

Dr. Paul’s efforts to ensure a swift-moving and strong response to the novel coronavirus pandemic have included working to get more masks and other personal protective equipment (PPE) to those on the front lines of the fight, increase testing now and in future emergencies, expand unemployment benefits, and allow Americans to keep more of their own money so they can meet their needs during this time.

While in Kentucky, Dr. Paul has also been volunteering at a local hospital to relieve other physicians and work with and encourage COVID-19-positive patients.

Dr. Paul believes Congress should at once return into session but also that remote voting should be available during emergencies, and he offered an amendment to allow for remote voting, if necessary. You can read his amendment HERE.

You can watch Dr. Paul’s speech HERE.


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