June 20, 2018
 Contact:, 202-224-4343

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) released the following statement after the U.S. Senate failed to discharge H.R. 3, President Trump’s rescissions package to cut $15 billion in unneeded funding, from the Senate Appropriations Committee:

 “It is unacceptable – but no surprise – that the Swamp’s bipartisan addiction to spending other people’s money is so severe that the Senate refused to simply consider cutting funding that is no longer needed or authorized. I am disappointed by this Congress’ failure to even pretend it takes fiscal responsibility seriously. Our $21 trillion debt poses the greatest danger to our national security and is only getting worse by the minute. Most frustratingly of all, it is largely a self-created threat.
“It is time for Congress to grow up and acknowledge that government won’t be able to do anyone any good or fund any politician’s priority when it goes broke.”


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