WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Rand Paul issued a statement following the passage of S.CON.RES.16, a concurrent resolution calling for the immediate release of four American citizens unjustly imprisoned in Iran. Among the detainees in Iran is Pastor Saeed Abedini, an American pastor that has been indefinitely imprisoned on account of his religious belief.

In November 2013, Sen. Paul was an original co-sponsor of a Senate resolution calling for the government of Iran to immediately release Pastor Abedini. Following the resolution’s passage, Sen. Paul issued a letter to President Hassan Rouhani of Iran urging the release of Pastor Abedini. Sen. Paul continues to be a fierce advocate for the release of Pastor Abedini.

“America stands as a beacon of freedom and hope for those across the globe, and as such, we must fight for the safe return of these wrongfully imprisoned Americans in Iran. This was a tremendously important vote to show our nation’s commitment to freeing these Americans, I am proud to have voted for it and I am encouraged by the passage of this resolution,” Sen. Paul said.


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